Ptolemy Moloney is a graphic designer based in London. He specialises in graphic communication, typography, editorial and information design. His rule is always, design with purpose, creating effective, useful design from an informed research based standpoint.
Major Project Research Document
A designed and edited sketchbook showing our process from the start of our project to the final outcome. It contains three projects, Acrobat Reader, Self Initiated Project and Two Points.
Acrobat Reader
A project in which we had to produce three books based on one short story written by Jorge Luis Borges. My selection was the Library of Babel. Each book we had to produce had a specific rule, 1, text only, 2, text and image, three, image only.
For my three books I wanted to explore the concept of impossible space and structure. This is a theory that the Library of Babel is based on and one that Borges explores in the short story. I decided to explore impossible space and structures on the printed page through changes the perspective of the text and creating 3D space.
Self Initiated Project - Mapping the Un Mappable
Mapping the Un Mappable was a project I undertook to explore the theory of abstraction and the practise of map making. Map making is a strong interest of mine and I wanted a way of producing work that pushed the boundaries of the medium. A self initiated project was the perfect opportunity.
The premise of the project is to map the un mappable, map a non physical thing, for instance mapping a thought, an idea, a concept, an emotion. Can maps be used in such a way?
After preliminary research I decided to use Religion as a means of content and began producing work. What you see here are maps and process work based on research, answering questions and attempting to visualise these thoughts and ideas about religion and faith.