My work spans across different areas of design. I have a sensibility for books and things that are printed, as well as for moving image and three-dimensional design.
Ryoji Ikeda posters
A series of posters announcing the work of sound and visual artist Ryoji Ikeda.
Type and sculpture
Self initiated typographic design project around the theme of sculpture and volume. This research focuses on the life and imperfections of handmade or found objects.
Funes the Memorious
A visual interpretation of Jorge Luis Borges' short story, split into three different versions: words only, text and image and wordless.
Process book
This publication collates all the research undertaken during the third year of the Graphic and Media Design course. It analyzes in detail every step of the design process.
L'Été Grec
A printed publication containing text from Jacques Lacarrière's book "l'Été Grec"
Folded paper and wood screens designed for video mapping. The semi physical, semi digital object acts as a metaphor of the decomposition of time.
Le Cantique des Cantiques
A moving image piece for the exhibition "Il était plusieurs fois" in France. The text is a poem from the Bible.